We supply complete technological units from drawing documentation to commissioning. We focus on belt, roller conveyors, chain, overhead and EHB conveyors, manipulators, industrial single-purpose machines and steel structures.

Fapros družstvo, IČ: 476 76 400, Družstevní č. 321, 739 44 Brušperk
Fapros cooperative strives to retain existing and acquire new customers by constantly satisfying their needs with quality products and services. To fulfil this vision, it implements an effective and simple quality management system.
The following quality policy is established for the successful maintenance and improvement of the quality system:
- We focus all our efforts on the design, development, projects, deliveries, production and assembly of conveyors and single-purpose machines and the provision of related services, the quality of which is in accordance with customer requirements, relevant technical standards and binding legislation.
- Because our products and services can only so high quality as the people who perform them and the products that enter them, we place great emphasis on staff selection, monitoring and evaluation of suppliers with regard to their ability to meet our service requirements, and delivered products.
- We strive to achieve stable quality parameters of our supplies and services and to create trust and respect in customers so that the name of the cooperative is synonymous with reliability and quality.
- The most valuable asset of the cooperative is human potential in the form of qualified and experienced workers. The cooperative values this wealth and comprehensively supports the increase of their professional competence through planned education.
We strive for maximum flexibility in the design, development, planning, supply, manufacturing and assembly of conveyors and single-purpose machines and in the provision of related services. We verify the quality system with regular inspections.
The chairman of the cooperative is responsible for achieving the quality goals.
In Brušperk, on 1.3.2016
Ing. Zdeněk Mužný Ing. Luděk Mužný
chairman of the cooperative deputy chairman of the cooperative
FAPROS cooperative
Adress: Družstevní 321, 739 44 Brušperk
Tel.: +420 558 666 921
Email: info@fapros.cz